1. Ph.D. Candidates |博士研究生
  2. Undergraduates | 本科生

Ph.D. Candidates |博士研究生

In recent years, our group admits 1-2 Ph.D. students (直博生) every year.

Below are current Ph.D. candidates in our group.

Zhehan Qin | 秦哲涵
Class of 2021

Hongyu Zhang | 张洪语
Class of 2021

Jiayi Wu | 吴家毅
Class of 2022

Yisong Zhang | 张亦松
Class of 2022

Bingchu Fan | 樊秉初
Class of 2023

Haoyuan Liu | 刘皓源
Class of 2023

Undergraduates | 本科生

Our group provides opportunities for bachelor-thesis projects (for final-year undergraduates) and research training projects (typically for 2nd- to 4th-year undergraduates). Students interested in high energy theories are welcome to contact me.

Bachelor Theses

Below is a list of bachelor theses under my supervision.


Bing-Chu Fan: Mass-quadrupole effects in compact binary systems (Tsinghua University)

Haoyuan Liu: A study of analytic properties and the dispersion method of inflation correlators (Tsinghua University, outstanding thesis award)

Zekai Wang: Quantum corrections to the primordial scalar power spectrum (Tsinghua University)

Yiqiu Zhou: Ghost inflation model and its current status (Tsinghua University)


Zhuojun Dai: Computing Non-Gaussianities in slow-roll inflation with Schwinger-Keldysh formalism (Tsinghua University)

Zi Shyun Ng: ADM decomposition and its applications (Tsinghua University)

Jiayu Wu: Orbital Modulation of extremal mass ratio inspirals by axion clouds (Beijing Normal University)

Yisong Zhang: A Study of Quantum Hierarchical Three-body Systems (Peking University)


Hongyu Zhang: Scalar QED with finite temperature and in inflationary spacetime (Tsinghua University)

Undergraduate research training (“SEMINAR”)

Research training is an important part of the training program for physics undergraduates at Tsinghua. A training course, called “SEMINAR,” is compulsory for 3rd-year undergraduates majored in physics, in which students can choose mentors according to their interests. The course typically runs for 2 to 3 semesters, giving students chances to experience down-to-earth research and to identify directions for their future studies.

Below is the list of undergraduate students who have officially registered for the SEMINAR courses and undergone research training in our group.

Spring Semester 2023:

Xianlai Wu 吴限来: Wavefunction formalism of quantum field theory in cosmology
Jiaju Zang 臧家驹: 6-point massive inflation correlators
Xuxiang Zhao 赵绪翔: dS boundary correlators with Euclidean-AdS techniques

Fall Semester 2022:

Linzhou Cai 蔡林洲: Motion of spinning bodies
Sijing Mao 毛思静: Post-Newtonian gravity in timekeeping and navigation
Xianlai Wu 吴限来: Post-Newtonian two-body problem
Jiaju Zang 臧家驹: Gravitational motion of compact bodies
Xuxiang Zhao 赵绪翔: Dynamics of isolated systems in general relativity
Renjie Zou 邹仁杰: Precession of spinning bodies in binary systems

Spring Semester 2022:

Bing-Chu Fan 樊秉初: Effect of large mass quadrupole in binary pulsar systems
Haoyuan Liu 刘皓源: Spin helicity formalism
Zekai Wang 王泽凯: Mass-quadrupole effect in binary pulsar systems; Higgs-R^2 inflation
Yiqiu Zhou 周奕秋: Memory effect of gravitational waves and Weinberg soft theorems

Fall Semester 2021:

Zixian Chen 陈子贤: Spectrum of gravitational atoms
Bing-Chu Fan 樊秉初: Post-Newtonian expansion
Haoyuan Liu 刘皓源: Measuring Hubble parameter with the tip of red-giant branch
Zi Shyun Ng 黄子恂: Cosmological perturbation theory
Jingcheng Shi 施竞成: Superradiance from pulsars
Zekai Wang 王泽凯: Timing formulas of binary pulsars
Yanming Xia 夏炎明: Dynamics of accretion disks
Xuan Zeng 曾旋: Mellin-Barnes representation for de Sitter correlators
Yiqiu Zhou 周奕秋: Spectral lines from interstellar matter and H II regions

Spring Semester 2021:

Zi Shyun Ng 黄子恂: Basic cosmology
Yuxiao Wang 王雨潇: Quantum field theory in curved spacetime

Fall Semester 2020:

Zi Shyun Ng 黄子恂: Basic cosmology
Hongyu Zhang 张洪语: Renormalon in QCD